Microsoft DLL Files
Microsoft Corporation

On this page you can find DLL files developed by Microsoft Corporation. Currently we have 10287 files in our database available for free download which you can use to fix missing dll errors. Below is a list of dll modules for Microsoft software like; Bidi32, Bing Bar, Bing Desktop, Bing Immersive or other related Windows programs which use the same dll files.

File Name Description Version Size
BackgroundMediaPolicy.dll Microsoft Windows 10.0.105 47KB
BackItUp.DataModel.dll DataModal 16.9KB
backsnap.dll Microsoft Windows 5.2.3790 44.5KB
banksrv.dll Sample Object Server - Banks And Accounts 96KB
BarcodeProvisioningPlugin.dll Microsoft Windows 10.0.105 76.5KB
BarcodeScannerProtocolProvider.dll Microsoft Windows 10.0.105 81.5KB
baseball.dll Microsoft Plus! for Kids 892KB
basebrd.dll Microsoft Windows 6.3.9600 979.1KB
basecsp.dll Microsoft Windows 10.0.143 196.3KB
basesrv.dll Microsoft Windows 10.0.143 64KB
batmeter.dll Microsoft Windows 6.3.9600 1.9MB
batt.dll Microsoft Windows 5.1.2600 8.5KB
BatteryFlyoutExperience.dll Microsoft Windows 10.0.105 710.5KB
bbcore20.dll Microsoft (R) BBT 527.5KB
bboard.dll Microsoft (R) Visual Studio 3.7MB
bcastdvr.proxy.dll Microsoft Windows 10.0.105 42.5KB
bcaut.dll Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 7.0.9466 572KB
bcd.dll Microsoft Windows 10.0.105 95.4KB
bcdeditai.dll Microsoft Windows 6.3.9600 279KB
bcdprov.dll Microsoft Windows 10.0.105 81.5KB
bcdsrv.dll Microsoft Windows 10.0.143 87.5KB
bckg.dll 1.2.626 80.6KB
bckgres.dll 1.2.626 1.7MB
BCP47Langs.dll Microsoft Windows 10.0.105 320.8KB
BCP47mrm.dll Microsoft Windows 10.0.171 110.5KB
bcrypt.dll Microsoft Windows 6.3.9600 108.5KB
bcryptprimitives.dll Microsoft Windows 10.0.143 421.2KB
BCSRuntimeRes.dll Microsoft Office 2013 15.0.442 18.6KB
BDATunePIA.dll Microsoft Windows 6.1.7601 232.5KB
BdeHdCfgLib.dll Microsoft Windows 6.1.7600 86KB
bderepair.dll Microsoft Windows 6.1.7600 61KB
bdesvc.dll Microsoft Windows 10.0.143 346KB
BdeSysprep.dll Microsoft Windows 10.0.105 11.5KB
bdeui.dll Microsoft Windows 10.0.105 34KB
bdnapi.dll Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Operating System 79KB
bdsecurity.dll Microsoft Commerce Server 32.3KB
bfc42.dll Microsoft (R) Visual C++ 6.0.8063 1.6MB
bfc42d.dll Microsoft (R) Visual C++ 6.0.8063 2.1MB
BFE.dll Microsoft Windows 10.0.105 775.5KB
bfmfc.dll Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 7.10.307 1MB
bgswitch.dll Microsoft Windows 5.1.3557 24.1KB
BHOINTL.dll Microsoft Office 2013 15.0.442 10.6KB
bhp015.dll Microsoft Windows 5.2.3790 244KB
bhp025.dll Microsoft Windows 5.2.3790 26.5KB
bi.dll Microsoft Windows 10.0.143 28KB
bicrt.dll Sample Application DLL 240KB
bidi32.dll Bidi32 40KB
bidispl.dll Microsoft Windows 5.1.2600 14.5KB
bined.dll Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 7.0.9466 188KB
Bing.Immersive.dll Bing Immersive 1.513.71 1MB
BingASDS.dll Microsoft Windows 285.5KB
BingConfigurationClient.dll Microsoft Windows 10.0.105 109KB
BingDesktop_Res.dll Bing Desktop 1.3.341 297.2KB
BingDesktop_ResAUS.dll Bing Desktop 1.3.341 297.2KB
BingDesktop_ResCAN_EN.dll Bing Desktop 1.3.341 297.2KB
BingDesktop_ResCHS.dll Bing Desktop 1.3.341 297.2KB
BingDesktop_ResDEU.dll Bing Desktop 1.3.341 298.2KB
BingDesktop_ResESP.dll Bing Desktop 1.3.470 353.5KB
BingDesktop_ResFRA.dll Bing Desktop 1.3.341 298.7KB
BingDesktop_ResGBR.dll Bing Desktop 1.3.341 297.2KB
BingDesktop_ResJPN.dll Bing Desktop 1.3.341 295.2KB
BingExt.dll Bing Bar 7.3.114 1.1MB
BingIdentityManagerInternal.dll Microsoft Windows 10.0.105 86.5KB
BingOnlineServices.dll Microsoft Windows 10.0.105 1018KB
bingrewardsclient.dll Microsoft Bing Rewards Client 17.0.130 1.1MB
binlsvc.dll Microsoft Windows 5.1.2600 100KB
biocpl.dll Microsoft Windows 6.1.7601 418KB
BioCredProv.dll Microsoft Windows 10.0.143 236KB
bisrv.dll Microsoft Windows 10.0.143 747.5KB
bitchfix.dll Microsoft MPEG-4 Video Codec 406.5KB
bitsigd.dll Microsoft Windows 7.8.1439 57KB
bitsmgr.dll Microsoft Windows 6.6.3790 86KB
bitsmig.dll Microsoft Windows 6.3.9600 75KB
bitsoc.dll Microsoft Windows 6.5.3790 16.5KB
bitsperf.dll Microsoft Windows 7.8.1058 21KB
BitsProxy.dll Microsoft Windows 7.8.1058 55.5KB
bitsprx2.dll Microsoft Windows 6.5.3790 7.5KB
bitsprx3.dll Microsoft Windows 6.6.2600 7KB
bitsprx4.dll Microsoft Windows 7.7.9600 13.5KB
bitsprx5.dll Microsoft Windows 7.7.9600 19.5KB

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New DLL Files
OxyPlot.dll - OxyPlot
Developer: OxyPlot · Ver: 2.1.0 · Size: 561.5KB
OxyPlot.WindowsForms.dll - OxyPlot.WindowsForms
Developer: OxyPlot.WindowsForms · Ver: 2.1.0 · Size: 26KB
Newtonsoft.Json.dll - Json.NET
Developer: Newtonsoft · Ver: 13.0.1 · Size: 685.5KB
Microsoft.Win32.TaskScheduler.dll - Microsoft.Win32.TaskScheduler
Developer: GitHub Community · Ver: 2.10.1 · Size: 326KB
LibreHardwareMonitorLib.dll - LibreHardwareMonitorLib
Developer: LibreHardwareMonitorLib · Ver: 0.9.1 · Size: 700KB
HidSharp.dll - HidSharp
Developer: Illusory Studios · Ver: 2.1.0 · Size: 236.9KB
Most Downloaded Files
MSVCRT.dll - Microsoft (R) Visual C++
Developer: Microsoft · Ver: 6.0.83 · Size: 260.1KB
Atipdlxx.dll - ATI Desktop Component
Developer: ATI Technologies · Ver: 6.14.1 · Size: 348KB
Appraiser.dll - Microsoft Windows
Developer: Microsoft · Ver: 10.0.1 · Size: 1MB
Interop.shdocvw.dll - Die Assembly wurde aus der Typenbibliothek SHDocVw
Ver: 1.1.0 · Size: 120KB
Midas.dll - Midas support DLL
Developer: Borland · Ver: 7.0.4 · Size: 289.5KB
D3dx9_38.dll - Microsoft DirectX for Windows
Developer: Microsoft · Ver: 9.23.9 · Size: 3.7MB
Sqlsut.dll - Microsoft SQL Server
Developer: Microsoft · Ver: 2000.8 · Size: 232.1KB